Make Purpose Happen

About us

Our Team


WE provide educational and vocational job training and one on one vocational mentorship for incarcerated persons. WE strive to contribute to and dedicate all resources to each person’s successful return to community after incarceration. We take a hands on approach to our training programs and deliver them in person working inside and outside of both public and private prisons. 

Our History


We act as an advocacy group for incarcerated persons vocational retraining and community reentry mentorships. We are here for the long haul and are forging a community network and a coalition of second chance employers and civic leaders engaged with laying a new foundation to build better lives and safer communities together. 

Our Mission


We stand for creating economic opportunity and social advancement for the formerly incarcerated and those soon to be. We coordinate pre-release community workshops, career skill building programs, and are providers of hands on job training initiatives inside the worldwide transportation industry. Together we stand united as a comprehensive resource for prison community reentry solutions.

Our Partners


Passion Never Fails !

Let’s disrupt poverty, break away from cycles of criminal recidivism, and build better lives and communities united together.